Saturday, October 11, 2008

hollys tag

4 things about my wife
---she loves water, anything to do with water..
---not so much as a listener...
---she is also clean but also very messy as in bombs going of in the kitchen, but usually the bombs bring yummy surprises!!
---she loses a lot of keys cameras glasses etc.
How did you meet: --at a amusment park called lagoon
4 things on my wish list:
--A private jet so I can fly to florida and play anytime I feel the urge:)
--That all of my relatives and friends were out of debt and doing fine during this tough economic time.
--That my wife will always know how cool i think she is!!
--That gas was .27 cents a gallon like it was when i was in high school!!
--three things looking forward to!
--November 5th
--When Bree and I can have a grandpa grandaughter chat!!
--having all my family in hawaii someday!!
3 quirks about me:
--I definitley dont have ocd im purty sure that i can sleep without a new pillowcase.
--I have a knack for being a little eyorish!!
--I have alot of cds.
3 items in my wallet:
--a debit card
--a drivers license --costco card
Which place do you most want to visit:
Favorite treat: a chocolate on chocolate doughnut.
20 years ago:
-- I moved to our lovely home on pioneer ave
10 years ago:
--I was starting my latest company
3 years ago:
--enjoying grandchildren!!!
1 year ago:
--Enjoying more grandchildren!!!!
1 year from now:
--more grandchildren?? thanks holly love ya!!


Heather said...

I am impressed! Way to go Dad!
See you aren't as computer foreign as you once thought. :)
Mom you are next!

Heather said...

Oh I forgot- for being so laid back, you and Mom. How in the world did you raise 3 such OCD daughters?

Dubb Days said...

Yah!! That was awesome dad!! I loved your answers! You will be a pro blogger before you know it!! You made me laugh and cry:) Love you!

Orton Gang said...

Great job Honey. thanks for thinking I'm cool and you're are awewome I Love you! Holly I need to do mine, I know.

Heidi said...

Dad, you are the best! I love you!